Better Advice. Better Outcomes.

Unlock data and insights to drive deeper relationships with business owners.

2,300 business owners retire every day.

Over 12 million baby boomers own a business with 70 percent expected to retire in the next decade.

That’s an estimated $465M of wealth transferring each day.

Don’t miss the largest wealth transfer in decades.

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Made for advisors that serve small-to-medium business owners

Organically grow with business owners

Clients get a list of recommended next steps across insurance, succession, estate, tax planning, and more to inspire conversations that matter.

Deliver insights your clients care about

Help owners optimize their decisions with insights based on their valuation, growth opportunities, key risks, exit goals, and more.

Secure data capture and analysis

Leave the days of manual data transfers behind. Clients link their QuickBooks or upload tax documents and our AI engine captures, organizes, and analyzes their data for you.

Get in Touch

Personalized insights in minutes

Secure and seamless data capture

Invite clients to link their QuickBooks or upload their tax documents to our AI engine

Generate personalized business insights

Provide detailed insights that make an impact for owners across growth and risk mitigation

Build trust with better advice

Deepen your relationships by helping clients protect and plan for the future.

What other advisors are saying

Penny Phillips

Firm President

“Our firm is laser focused on organic growth and serving business owners as one of our niches. RISR powers both, and truly differentiates us in the market.”

Bill Medico


“I come from a family-owned business. As an advisor to businesses, I know how critical information is to decision-making for SMBs. RISR positions us perfectly to provide best-in-class advice. ”

Pat Prior


“I am always looking for ways to broaden my scope and transition clients to an advisory relationship. RISR is my secret weapon fordoing so.”

Gary Daniels

Founder & Financial Advisor

"RISR wins us more business than any advisor tool ever has in the past”